Pathways & Classes
Agricultural Education has been providing authentic learning opportunities since 1917 with the passage of the Smith-Hughes Act, and continues to focus on giving students real-world experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. Agricultural Education programs are based on a three-circle model that develops the whole student through classroom and laboratory instruction, student leadership and work-based learning experiences known as Supervised Agricultural Experience projects.
In California there are seven pathways within Agricultural Education:
Agricultural Business
Agricultural Mechanics
Animal Science
Forestry and Natural Resources
Ornamental Horticulture
Plant and Soil Science
Ag / Industrial Arts
General Information: All students involved in an Agriculture class are encouraged to become members of the Future Farmers of America (FFA). All students will choose a project, (SAEP) Supervised Agricultural Experience Program and maintain a California FFA record book.
Shop safety is an area of prime importance to all instructors. Students will be working around and operating machinery and equipment which require full and undivided attention to the task at hand. For that reason, failure to follow safety rules and practices, horseplay, and other types of undesirable behavior cannot AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED in shop classes.
Depending on the type of shop safety infraction, the consequences may range from a warning, or parental notification by letter, to removal from the class for the safety of all concerned. In the event removal from the class is the outcome, the student should not expect to receive a grade or credit from that class as a safety hazard to yourself and to others, arrangements will be made for that period the remainder of the grading period, or you will be sent home.
Again, shop safety is a serious matter and any violation of shop safety rules and practices shall not be taken lightly. If you cannot follow your teacher’s directions, obey class rules, and be sensible in what you do, and Ag or Industrial arts class is not for you and you should not sign up.